Proud to be socially responsible
Ardom Towergen believes that building social capital is an essential ingredient of doing business. We believe in transparent deals, compliance to regulations and are very sincere towards environmental concerns. Ardom encourages plantations on the sites it manages and nurtures the cultural talent of its employees and associates.
We participate in community festivals in every locality and take due care of our associates through adequate insurance provisions for them.
We are acutely aware of the fact that Telecom sites are the second largest consumer of diesel in the country and that it is estimated to use 2 billion liters of diesel annually and produces 5.3 million tons of Carbon di-oxide in 2010. At Ardom, we make every effort to reduce diesel consumption at sites to protect environment as well as to make expansion of telecom business in remote and rural areas more viable. We are constantly exploring alternate and renewable sources of energy.